Dutch Ch. Non-Stop James Bond (James)

Bundes Sieger '09, Luxembourg Ch., Dts(VDH) Ch., SEV CH, Dutch Vet. Ch.,

BeNeLux Vet Ch., Lux Vet. Ch.

hd B, elbows free, eyes clear


Gatchells Man of Honour, BelgCh, Int.Ch.
Golmas Governor, GB.Sh.Ch. Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde
Golmas Grace’n Favour
Gatchells Royal Orchid Perrimay Hugo of Fenwood, GB.Sh.Ch.
Gatchells Maid for Music, GB.Sh.Ch.
Non-Stop Dió, HunCh, Eu.Ch.
Karvin Zaicca, HunCh.Int.Ch. Kerrien Raleigh, Fin.Ch.
Karvin Greta Garbo
Primrose Déjá Vu, HunCh, HunJCh. Karvin Basic Instinct, HunCh. IntCh.HunJCh.
Gáláns Trallala, HunCh.IntCh.







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